Map Toolbar

The Map Toolbar appears at the top of the Map Screen. The toolbar is visible in Map Mode, ie. when no features are selected and disappears when a feature is selected on the map.


menu_b Main Menu Button: closes the map and returns to the Main Menu Screen. Any ongoing GPS recording will be stopped.

search_b Search: opens the Search screen. You can search for coordinates, addresses and features on the map.

camera_b Camera: opens the Camera. Users can capture geo-referenced photos map_toolbar/with location and direction information which will be added to the current map.

layers_b Layers: shows/hides the Layers Sidebar in FireMapper which is used to switch between available base layers.

extents_b Fit to Map Extents: moves the map so it fits all the current map features in the current extents.

location_b My Location: moves the map to the users current location.

This button will change depending on the source of the location. See below for the different location sources:

absb_b ADS-B Location: an ADS-B receiver.

bt_b Bluetooth GPS Location: a Bluetooth connected GPS receiver (such as the Garmin GLO, Bad Elf).

ext_b External App Location: a third party application such as a GPS simulator app,.

net_b Network Location: nearby Wi-Fi networks and cellular towers.

no_b No Location: FireMapper does not currently know your location or you have not granted it permission to access your location.

options_b Map Properties: opens the Map Properties screen. It lists a timeline of all map changes, allows you to download base layers, export maps and undelete features.

record_b GPS Recording: starts/stops a GPS track recording. Track recordings will be added to the current map.