
FireMapper is a mobile app that allows individual users to quickly map bushfires and other incidents.

The Standard version is a light-weight version of FireMapper, available from the iTunes and Google Play stores as a once off purchase (~ $35 AUS). It contains a subset of the features that are available in the Enterprise version of the application.



This manual is for FireMapper Standard. There is another manual that covers additional functionally in FireMapper Enterprise

FireMapper Enterprise includes:

  • Real-time and collaborative situational awareness

  • Real-time location sharing

  • Map importing (GPX, KML, KMZ & GeoPDF)

  • Additional export formats (KMZ, ZIP)

  • ADS-B & Bluetooth GPS support

  • Third party integrations (ArcGIS, TracPlus, Tablet Command, QGIS)

  • Additional feature layers

  • Custom base layers

  • Mobile Device Management Integration (for managed device configs)

  • Centralised management via the FireMapper Portal

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Contact our Support Team: support@firemapper.app
General questions: contact@firemapper.app
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