Camera Screen

When you take a picture, FireMapper automatically records the location and direction of the photos/image and displays it on the map.

Photos taken with the GPS camera can be shared via text message, email and more via the ‘Export Map’ screen.

FireMapper needs access to your location and camera to capture a photo.


The internal magnetic compass is used to determine the direction of the camera. Magnetic cases cause interference and will cause the photo on the map to be displayed in the wrong direction.

Taking a Photo

  1. Tap the Camera button at the top of the Map screen.

  1. The Camera Screen will appear. Move the device is a figure 8 pattern to help calibrate the magnetic compass. This will reduce the error in the camera heading for the photo.

  2. There are two buttons depending on the number of photos you want to capture. The button with the plus sign allows you to capture multiple photos without leaving the camera view and the other camera button allows you to quickly capture a single photo and return to the map.


Sending Photo via Email

You can export single photos via Email from the Map screen. This is useful if you quicky want to export a single photo.


For FireMapper iOS, you can only send emails using the native iOS Mail application with the Send Email feature. You will need to have configured a valid email account with the native mail app if you want to use this feature. Other clients such as Gmail or Outlook are not supported with the Send As Email tool on iOS.

On FireMapper Android, you can use any email client.

  1. Tap the photo feature on the map you want to export to select.

  1. Tap the email icon to export that photo.

  1. The email editor will appear. Enter the email address and modify the contents if required. You photo should be visible as an attachment to the email. If you need to sending emails to the same address, it is possible to set an default email destination on the User Profile screen.

  2. Tap the Send button in the top right corner.


You can set the default email addresses for email messages in the Main Menu->User Profile.

Sending Photo via MMS Text Message

You can export single photos via Text Message from the Map screen . This is useful if you quickly want to export a single photo.

  1. Tap the photo feature on the map you want to export to select.

  1. Tap the text icon to export that photo.

  1. The MMS/iMessage editor will appear. The photo will be attached as a MMS to your message.

../../_images/text_photo_1.png ../../_images/text_photo_2.png
  1. Tap send


You can set the default mobile numbers for text messages in the Main Menu->User Profile.

Exporting All Photos

You can export all photos from a map from the Export Screen. The available options will depend on what applications you currently have installed on your device.

  1. Tap the Toolbox Icon in the top-right corner of Map Screen

  1. Tap the Export button

  1. Tap the Export All Photos button.

  1. Select where you want to export photos.
