Layers Sidebar

This Sidebar contains all filters available to be toggled on and off in the map view. It is accessed from the Map Viewer toolbar.


The Sidebar consists of the following sections:


Base Layers

These are the base layer options for the map. These options will change depending on where you are on the map and the zoom level.



Imported Geo PDFs will be automatically converted to an Overlay layer. These overlays are superimposed on top of the base layers at the correct extents. Only one overlay layer can be viewed at once. Clicking on the desired overlay will toggle it on/off, as well as move the Map View to its extents.


Feature Layers

Feature Layers are the read-only feature and incident feeds that are available with your current organisation configuration. This section on the layers sidebar lists all features visible with the current map extents and zoom. A feature type can be toggled on/off by clicking on its tab.


Map Features

Map Features are the features that have been added to the map by a user. This section displays the total number of each feature type added anywhere on the map. A feature type can be toggled on/off by clicking on its tab.


Exiting sidebar

To exit the Layers Sidebar view,

  1. Cick the ‘x’ in the top right corner, or

  2. Tap anywhere on the map, or

  3. Swipe the right edge of the sidebar away in the left direction.
