Layers Tab

The Layers Tab controls the base map, feature layers additional overlays on the shared map.

Base Layers Section

Base Layers

This is a list of base layers that are available at the current map extents and zoom level. This list of base layers will automatically change as the map is moved around.


Base Layer Brightness

The brightness slider can be used to change the base layer brightness on the map. This can be used to improve the contrast between the shared map features and the base layer if required.


Feature Layers Section

This is a list of feature layers that are available for the current map extents and zoom level. Additional feature layers are usually visible by zoom in and feature layers automatically hide as you zoom out.

The available feature layers are controlled by the organisation config and can include incident feeds, traffic feeds, traffic/weather cameras, river/weather observations, road closures, fire stations and more..


Overlays Section

The list of available grid layers will depend on the current map extents. Click a grid overlay to show/hide it on the map.


Selecting a grid overlay, will automatically turn of any other grid layer that are currently turned on. It is not possible to have more than one grid layer turned on at a time.

UTM Grid Overlay

This UTM grid is used by most emergency services for ground operations, since it is an easy grid to work with, since all grid squares are in metres (easting/northing). This grid is the same grid used for topographic maps in Australia and USA.


NZTM Grid Overlay

The NZTM grid is used by emergency services in New Zealand as a preferred grid instead of using UTM. This is the same grid that is used by the NZ Topo250 and NZ Topo25 base layrers. It is available to all users when using maps for NZ.


Lat/Lng Grid Overlay

The Latitude/Longitude grid is used by emergency services, mostly for aircraft operations. It is better suited for working over long distances due to the curvature of the earth.


Overlay Layers

List of available overlays layers will depend on the current zoom level. Click a overlay to show/hide it on the map. Selecting an overlay, will automatically turn of any other overlays that are currently turned on. It is not possible to have more than one overlay layer turned on at a time.


Ground Tracks

Displays recent location tracks heatmap for personnel and appliances. This is useful for seeing how ground personnel are accessing an incident (such as what trails are in use, how are appliances getting around a fences at an incident). There is significant delay for the ground tracks overlay.

Aircraft Tracks Overlay

Displays recent location tracks heatmap for aircraft. This is useful as a summary of previous aircraft movements at an incident. There is significant delay for the aircraft tracks layer.

Hotspots Overlay

The hotspots overlay consists of satellite detected hotspots from MODIS, VIIRS and Himawari-8 satellite. These satellites provide a snapshot of large fire activity when the satellite passes overhead. The color of the dots is determined by age, recent fire activity is displays as red, then orange, yellow and black. Older hotspot activity will fade away after 7 days.


Feature Scale

This slider determines the size of the map features on the screen. You can use this slider to make the map features larger, which is useful when using the FireMapper Portal on large screens or when conducting incident briefings.
