Edit Tab

The Edit Tab provides the ability to add new points, lines, areas, photos and PDFs.

Features List

This is a list of all the feature types that are available on your subscription. You can search for a specific feature type using the Search Feature Types box.

Features List

Adding a Point

  1. Select a point feature by clicking on it from the list.

    Select Feature
  2. Place a feature on the map by doing a long press on the map.

    Place Feature
  3. You can click on the point to see more details:

    Feature Information

Adding Lines and Areas

  1. Select a line or area feature by clicking on it from the list.

    Select Feature
  2. Add the line or area by using either the Freehand Editor or Straight Line Editor.

    Use the toggle button to switch between the editors.

    Tip: Use the arrow keys or +/- to move the map while editing.


    The Straight Line Editor helps create precise and straight lines and areas.


    The Freehand Editor allows you to create curves and shapes that follow topography or anything not well represented in straight lines.


Adding Photos

There are two ways that you can import a photo into the map:

  1. Clicking the “Add Photos” button

Add Photos Button
  1. Dragging and dropping an image:

Drag and Drop

All images that are imported must have a location associated with it. If the uploaded image does not have a location, you can manually place it on the map.

  1. Select the image by clicking on it.

Location Required
  1. Place the image on the map by doing a long press on a location.

Location Required
  1. Click the “Start Upload” button:

Upload Image
  • You can click on the image to see more details:

Image Information