Importing Files

The following file formats can be imported into an existing shared map.

  • KML/KMZ Files - Google Earth KML/KMZ File is a common format used by GIS software. If the kml/kmz file was exported from FireMapper, the imported features will contain all the correct symoblogy and metadata. KMZ files is the recommended format for importing maps from FireMapper as it is the only format that supports photo attachments.

  • GPX Files - GPS Exchange Format file is a common format used by GIS software. If the gpx file was exported from FireMapper, the imported features will contain all the correct symoblogy and metadata.

  • PDF Files - PDFs can be uploaded as an attachment to a point on the map. This allows you to include a pdf attachment on the map, such as a Pre-Incident Plan or Incident Action Plan that can be viewed by other users on the same shared map.

  • ERSI Shape Files - only shx, shp and dbf files are required, other shape file types will be ignored as part of the import process. You need to add the shx, shp and dbf with matching file name at the same time, otherwise the import error will occur. You can use a compressed zip folder to upload all the individual shape files at the same time. If the shape files were exported from FireMapper, RFS MapDesk, Vic eMap or USA NWCG standard format, the symbology will automatically be included as part of the import process.

  • Image files - both geo-referenced and non-georefernced image files are supported. If the image file is geo-referenced (using EXIF or XMP tags), the location is automatically extracted from the image and displayed at the correct location on the map. If the image is not geo-referenced, you will need to manually reference the photo as part of the import process. Large images will automatically be compressed as part of the import process, so they can be accessed by FireMapper clients with slow internet connections.

  • Compressed ZIP File - compressed zips can be used to import multiple files at the same tile. The compressed zips are automatically unzipped as part of the import process, and the supported individual files are displayed in the import sidebar.

Contact support, if there is another import file format that you would like to add. We are always looking for ways to further improve the import process and FireMapper application.


There is a 1,000 feature limit per a file as part of the import process. There is also a 10,000 feature limit for importing for shared maps. This limit will be increased in a future update.


Duplicate geometry from the imported files will automatically be removed as part of the import process. Any complex or self-intercepting polygons will be converted to simple polgyons are part of the import process.

Import Files onto a Shared Map:

  1. Click the Edit tab at the top of the left sidebar. The edit tab is not available on read-only or archived maps.

  2. Click the Add File button at the bottom of the edit tab in the sidebar.

  3. Select the files that you want to import (GPX, KML, KMZ, ZIP, Shapefiles, GeoJSON, PDF, JPG). Use the ‘Add Files’ button to show the file explorer for selecting local files to import

  4. FireMapper will automatically identify the appropriate symbology for the imported features if the file was generated by FireMapper, RFS MapDesk, Vic eMap, or using the USA NGWS shapefile format. A preview of the imported files will be displayed on the map

  5. If FireMapper is unable to identify appropriate symbology, you can select the imported features and choose symbology from a dropdown list.

  6. Click Start Upload to start the upload process. The imported features will now be visible to other users after the import process is complete

Importing Files via Drag/drop

You can drag and drop files into the FireMapper Portal map at anytime (without needing to use the edit tab).