Integrations: FireMapper API Page

FireMapper API keys provide access to all maps and data across an entire agency. They are designed for provide system-to-system integration with FireMapper. FireMapper API keys should only be used by Administrative/GIS/IT staff and should not be shared outside your organisation.

Setting Permissions

After clicking ‘Create API Key’, there are five permissions able to be set for the newly created key.
  1. IP Address:

    Automatically set to your device’s current IP address, this restricts the access of the API key to a specified address. This means that connection to the provided address is a requirement for a system to communicate with FireMapper data. This is recommended in the case that the target server has a static IP address, for extra security.

  2. Map Sharing API (Read):

    Allowing your key to be a Map Sharing API with read permissions grants it access to view all of your agency’s maps and features, and all the data associated with it.

  3. Map Sharing API (Write):

    This allows the connected system to edit (add, delete, update) features within shared maps. Read permissions must be enabled for this to be checked.

  4. Location Sharing API (Read):

    Location tracks data across all shared maps for appliances, personnel and other instances are made viewable.

  5. Management API:

    Gives additional permissions to create, archive or restore archived maps.


Editing API keys: Permissions for an API key may also be edited after its creation. Clicking on the key’s row in the table will open a similar popup in which specific permissions may be toggled on or off, or edited.

../_images/edit.png ../_images/permissions.png

Extensive information on each API key’s functionalities may be accessed by clicking ‘View Docs’.

../_images/access_docs.png ../_images/docs.png