Location Tracks Page

The Location Tracks page displays active aircraft, appliances and personnel in FireMapper, including location sources from FireMapper devices as well as other third party integrated sources such as TracPlus, AVL.

The table displays the last known location for recently active location tracks in latitude/longitude coordinates and UTM coordinates.

View Individual Track Location

  1. Select Location Tracks in the navigation sidebar

  2. The location tracks are organised into three groups Aircraft Tracks, Appliance Tracks and Personnel Tracks based on the resource type for the track. Use the tabbar to switch between track types.

  3. Click on a location source to view additional information about the source, including a map showing the latest location.

  4. You can click a field such as ‘UTM Coordinates’ to copy the coordinates to the clipboard.

Downloading Track History

You can export the last 2hrs for any track as a GPX, CSV KML or GeoJSON file. All download formats use the WSG-84 Datum (ESPG-4326).

  1. Click the Download button next the track that you want to download

  2. Select the file format that you want to use for the track download. Use the CSV or GPX file format if you need timestamps for each location update in the track history. The Compact GPX format, does not contain the GPS timestamps for each location update.
