Feature Layers Page

The Feature Layers page displays a list of all the integrated feature layers that are available across all maps in FireMapper. This layers are designed to improve situation awareness

There are over 50+ public real-time feature layers that are automatically updated from external sources including Traffic Incidents Feeds, Fire Incident Feeds, Traffic/Weather Cameras, Roadworks, Road Closures, Satellite Detected Hotspots, Current Alerts and Warnings, File Stations and more.


The list of feature layers are configured per FireMapper subscription and can contain a combination of public and private data sources. Additional layers can be added on request.

Feature Layer Status

The feature layers table is automatically updated every 5 seconds to displays the status of each feature layer. If a layer has recently been updated in the last 60 seconds, it will be highlighed with a green background.


If the last update has failed for a specific feature layer, it will be highlighed with a red background. The update can fail for a number of reasons such as an error while connecting to the remote server or changes to the feed format. FireMapper will continue to display the cached data from the last successful update when an error occurs. The error state will automatically be cleared on the first successful update after the failure. More information about the feature layer error can be obtained by contacting support.


Viewing Individual Features

  1. Open the Feature Layers from the navigation sidebar.

  2. Select the feature layer from the table that you want to view.

  3. Use the tab bar to switch between layer types if the feature layer has more than one type.

  4. You can select an individual feature in the table to view additional information

  5. A dialog will appear for the selected feature. This will include a map preview and a list of all the attributes for the selected feature.

  6. Click a field if you want to copy the value to the clipboard


Downloading a Feature Layer

You can export the latest version of feature layer using the download button. This will generate a static file for the exported layer. All download formats are in the WSG-84 Datum (ESPG-4326).

  1. Click the Download button on the feature layer that you want to download.

  2. Select the export format that you would like to use from GPX, KML or GeoJSON, based on the application that you want to export to.

    Use the KML export format if you want to display the feature layer in Google Earth Pro, ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Pro or FireMapper client. The KML format is the only format that includes map symbology and links for Photos/PDFs file attachments.

  3. Open the export file in the desired application (e.g. Google Earth Pro).
