The Map Screen displays map features (such as points, lines, photos and areas) and allows you to change between base maps (such as Google, Open Topo Maps, and others). FireMapper has various toolbars and popup views that automatically appear and disappear depending on whether a map feature is selected.
Locked Mode
Locked Mode is view only, blocking users from editing the map. This is the default mode entered when a shared map with features is opened.
To enter Mapping Mode, tap on the lock icon, then ‘Edit Map’.
To return to Locked Mode, leave the map and reopen it from the shared maps list.
Minimising the FireMapper app (eg. for location tracking) does not Lock the map. It remains in Mapping Mode to ensure changes are tracked and saved.
Mapping Mode
Mapping Mode allows you to add, edit and delete features from a map.
Tap on a feature to select it. You may view all information about the feature, and perform a range of actions on it.