Feature Toolbar

The Feature Toolbar only appears at the bottom of the Map Screen whenever a feature is selected on the map. The buttons that are available in the bar are dependent on the selected feature type and if the feature is editable. The toolbar automatically disappears when a feature is unselected.


Toolbar Buttons

delete Delete: Deletes the selected feature from the map.

email Email: Sends the selected feature as an email message.

The email message includes a screenshot of the map and any GPS photos that are attached to the selected feature if available. This option is available for all map features. You can set the default email addresses for email messages in the Main Menu->User Profile.



On iOS devices, this uses the Apple email client. You will need to have your email account configured in it for this to work.

text Text: Sends the selected feature as a text message.

The text message includes a screenshot of the map and any GPS photos that are attached to the selected feature if available. This option is available for all map features. You can set the default mobile numbers for text messages in the Main Menu->User Profile.


rotate Rotate: Rotates the selected point by 45 degrees. This option is only available for directional point types (eg. fire/wind direction).

../../_images/before_rotate.png ../../_images/after_rotate.png

flip Flip: Flips the selected line style. This option is only available for asymmetrical lines (eg. control lines, backburns)

../../_images/before_flip.png ../../_images/after_flip.png

navigate Navigate With FireMapper: Navigates in a straight line towards the selected point using the built-in compass and GPS in FireMapper.

The ‘Navigate With FireMapper’ arrow button will point in the direction of the selected feature using the internal compass. This is handy if you need to know the approximate direction of the feature on the map without having to start a navigation.



This functionally is not available yet on the Android.