Quick Start – Adding to Maps

FireMapper has a range of symbology used to represent information and observations on maps, including points, lines, areas, labels, and photos. Collectively, these observations are called map features, and FireMapper has several methods to add, edit and view them.

Mapping Mode

To add observations to a map, navigate to the Map Screen and enable Mapping Mode to view the Editor Toolbar.

To enable Mapping Mode:

  1. Unselect any selected map features by clicking into a blank area of the map.

  2. Make sure you are zoomed in. You will not be able to edit the map if it is zoomed out at a state-wide/country level.

Once in Map Mode, the Editor Toolbar will appear. You can drag your finger left and right on the toolbar to scroll through the list of feature types that can be added.

_images/add-to-map1.png _images/add-to-map2.png

Adding points to a map

Points are used to show the location of a feature such as a spot fire, fire origin, hydrant or staging area. The selection of symbology is configured based on agency requirements, but you can show and hide some groups of symbology in your User Profile.

Follow the steps below to draw a new point:

  1. Select a point type from the bottom toolbar. You can scroll left to right to access different feature types.

  2. Tap and hold in the location you want to add your point.

Adding lines and areas to a map

Lines are used to show information such as a fire edge, containment line or escape route. Areas are similar to lines, but the two ends of an area will always be joined, representing information such as burnt area, flooded area or fire exclusion area.

Follow the steps below to draw a new line:

  1. Drag your finger across the screen to move the map to the area where you want to draw as you cannot move the map while drawing the line.

  2. Select a line type from the bottom toolbar. You can scroll left to right to access different feature types.

  3. You will enter line drawing mode and see the following at the top of the window.

  4. Draw a line on the map by dragging your finger across the screen.

  5. The length of the line will appear at the top of the map. If you join the two ends of the line, creating an enclosed polygon, the enclosed area in hectares will also appear.

  6. Select the tick button on the bottom left to save.

  7. If you are using a shared map and have auto-sharing enabled, the new line will automatically be shared with other personnel on the same map.

Adding photos to a map

To add photos to a map, navigate to the Map Screen and enable Map Mode to use the Map Toolbar that appears at the top.


Follow the steps below to add photos to a map:

  1. Select the Camera button that is second from the left on the top of the screen.

  2. The Camera Screen will appear and will allow you to capture geo-referenced (with location & bearing) photos. FireMapper automatically records the location and direction of the photos/image and displays it on the map.

  3. Allow FireMapper access to your location and camera to capture a photo. Photos captured with this camera will be added to the current map.

Note: The magnetic compass in your phone or tablet is used to determine the location of the camera. Certain types of phone cases can cause magnetic interference and degrade the accuracy of your compass.

  1. Use one of two buttons to capture your photo(s):

    The button the left with the plus sign allows you to capture multiple photos without leaving the camera.


    The camera button on the right without the plus sign allows you to quickly capture a single photo and return to the map.
