Shared Maps
Observations shared from the FireMapper iOS and Android apps are organised into individual maps. When a feature is uploaded by FireMapper, it is organised in this table alphabetically by map name, and grouped by the organisation that owns the map.

Download Map
Download Map – allows you to download the map layer in multiple formats including KML, KMZ, GPX, GeoPDF and Compressed Zip Folder.

Create Map Token
Create Token – if enabled on your profile, map tokens allow you to temporarily share map data with users outside your organisation.

Archiving Map
Archive Map – moves a map into the archive, meaning it is no longer visible in the FireMapper shared map lists.

Intra-agency Sharing
Intra-agency Sharing – allows you to configure intra-agency permissions for maps that you own.

FireMapper supports intra-agency and inter-agency collaboration with flexible permissions. For instance, a map generated by one brigade in a fire district can be shared with other brigades, or with FireMapper users from another agency.
FireMapper supports linking separate subscriptions together to enable flexible sharing of maps between brigades or teams. If your subscription is linked, you will be able to set permissions against a hierarchy, allowing you to share your maps with individual brigades or groups of brigades.
Changes are applied instantaneously and reflected in the Shared Maps list of FireMapper users on their devices and in the Portal.